Wednesday, September 19, 2012

SecOps Angels Charity Drive: National Breast Cancer Foundation

SecOps Angels Charity Drive: National Breast Cancer Foundation kicks off tonight!!

The National Breast Cancer Foundation's mission is to save lives by increasing awareness of breast cancer through education and by providing mammograms for those in need. NBCF accomplishes this mission through various initiatives. NBCF programs provide women help for today and hope for tomorrow.

Our vendor has approved the concept of the t-shirt design, and I fought tooth and nail to get us the lowest price possible.  With a donation of $25 (or more, if you wish) you will receive a “SecOps Support Breast Cancer” t-shirt. If you wish to donate to the cause and don’t desire a t-shirt, please feel free as it also greatly appreciated. To donate, visit and follow these instructions: 

1) Click on the orange ChipIn button on the right hand side (under the contribution stats)
(2) On the item price under "Your Order Summary" in the left column, please enter your desired contribution ($5 is the asking donation, feel free to donate more if you wish).
(3) Click "Update"
(4) Sign in to your PayPal account and confirm payment options/billing info. ****CLICK “NOTE TO SELLER” (located DIRECTLY under your shipping address) AND INDICATE YOUR SHIRT SIZE (SIZES S-3XL).****

The $25 covers your cost for the shirt, shipping (depending on your location) and the remainer will be subsidized as a donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. The drive will end on October 4th, and payments/shipping/contributions will begin immediately thereafter. If you have any questions, feel free to inbox me or email me at at your leisure.

Learn more about NBCF here: and check out the SecOps Angels Blog here: 

Have a Blessed One!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

AIDS Walk Washington 2012

Support #TeamSecOps in AIDS Walk Washington 2012

AIDS Walk Washington is a 5K fundraising walk and timed run benefiting and produced by Whitman-Walker Health, a nonprofit community-based health organization which provides dependable, high-quality, comprehensive and accessible health care to those infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS.

In a city where three percent of adults are known to have HIV and an additional three percent are infected but don't know it, AIDS Walk plays a vital role in raising funds to fight the epidemic.

By registering and raising funds, you are helping to keep your neighbors healthy and alive. You're also helping to prevent new infections.
1. Go to:

2. Click "Join Our Team" to walk with us. or Click "General Team Donation" to donate towards the team goal. or Click one of the participating agents name to donate towards their goal. (All donated money will count towards the team goal)

Want to sleep in on October 27 or just can't be with us??? If you are not in the area, you can still be on the team! Follow the same instructions and select "Sleep Walker Registration" for $40 and you can support the effort from the comfort of your bed! Your commemorative AIDS Walk t-shirt will be mailed to you after the event.
Peace and Blessings

Friday, May 25, 2012

Vote for Phelps 2012

A Pastor, a combat veteran, a mentor, and a great friend of ours William Donte Phelps is running for a seat in the Georgia House of Representatives!!! His vision to change the world as we know it starts NOW!!! Please visit to show your support!! VOTE PHELPS!!!!!!!!!!! 

(Directly from his Campaign Site 

William Donte  Phelps was born in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Raised by a single parent mother, William acknowledges that his mother had a pivotal role of shaping him as a man of integrity and faith.  He affectionately states that “I would not be the man I am today if it weren’t for my mother.” Throughout high school, William was a member of the NJROTC for four years, while being actively involved in his community and Church.

After graduation Phelps entered into the Marines where he served from 2002 to 2010.  While enlisted he served in Operation Enduring Freedom(Afghanistan) as from March 2008 to November 2008. Phelps also served in additional leadership roles in logistics, and business administration as well as serving as a liaison to new recruits.  He was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal and the Operation Enduring Freedom Medal for his outstanding military service.  Now as a Disabled Veteran, William is a mentor for disabled veterans, University student and is an avid supporter of Veterans’ rights, rehabilitation, and services.

In 2010, Phelps transitioned out the Marine Corps moved to East Point and successfully won the Post Seat Holder for the Fulton County Democratic Party.  Since then he has played an instrumental role in the East Point Community and Villages of East Point as an Interim President of the Villages of East Point.  While Interim President, he established the Villages of East Point Community Association.  The establishment of the Association created a “safe zone” whereby residents could voice their concerns, provide protection for the children of the community, and create a plan for the prosperity and progression of the community. 

William Phelps is compassionate leader and enjoys working with public.  He values education and enjoys educating others concerning government, the political process, and Veterans affairs.  When asked why he is running for State Representative of District 59, William emphatically states, “I want to ensure that all residents of the 59th District are represented in a way that allows for growth and success.  I am running because we have some real issues in Georgia. The unemployment numbers are staggering, our educational system is in a state of rehabilitation, we need mass transit so that all of Georgia residents can have a safe, viable option in commuting, and lastly, we must ensure that Georgia has clean initiatives in place where we all can enjoy Georgia's rich plains in a way that is healthy and comfortable.  We must all become a stakeholder in Georgia's future because it is upon us to leave a mark and a legacy for generations to come. Please join me as I run for State Representative for the 59th District.”

Monday, April 23, 2012

American Foundation for AIDS Research

As we are all aware, HIV/AIDS affects our community in great numbers. This Charity Drive, for the American Foundation for AIDS Research, is our first bi-monthly charity, as we are hoping to maximize as much participation as possible. Not for the sake of exceeding any previous dollar amounts, but to increase awareness and educate one another through the likes of philanthropy, selfless support, and humanity involvement.
The American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) identifies critical gaps in our knowledge of HIV/AIDS, and supports promising early-stage studies that often lack the preliminary data required by more traditional funders. Through its Research program, amfAR is advancing efforts to prevent HIV infection in those who are vulnerable and to improve treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS, with the ultimate goal of eradicating the virus.  Through its Public Information program, amfAR generates awareness of the need for better treatment and prevention methods, and publishes educational materials on important AIDS-related research, treatment, prevention, and policy issues. As a respected voice on HIV/AIDS, amfAR frequently provides media commentary on research developments and other aspects of the epidemic.

Medications such as Truvada, Atripla, Ziagen, Racivir, Retrovir, Epivir, and Viread to name a FEW were all developed through heavy research in pharmaceutical laboratories. It’s through funding and support our medical experts are able to work closer towards fighting, abating, and eventually curing the disease. Funding also helps provide medical support for impoverished Americans and people all over the world.

(1) Click on the orange ChipIn button on the right hand side (under the contribution stats)
(2) On the item price under "Your Order Summary" in the left column, please enter your desired contribution ($5 is the asking donation, feel free to donate more if you wish).
(3) Click "Update"
(4) Sign in to your PayPal account and confirm payment options/billing info.
-Visit: to learn more about amfAR.
God Bless

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Child Abuse Prevention

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month!!! The Child Welfare Information Gateway promotes the safety, permanency, and well-being of children, youth, and families by connecting child welfare, adoption, and related professionals as well as the general public to information, resources, and tools covering topics on child welfare, child abuse and neglect, out-of-home care, adoption, and more. A service of the Children's Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, we provide access to print and electronic publications, websites, databases, and online learning tools for improving child welfare practice, including resources that can be shared with families.

Child Welfare Information Gateway consolidates and builds upon the services formerly provided by the National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information (NCCANCH) and the National Adoption Information Clearinghouse (NAIC)

Here are a few unfortunate statistics regarding child abuse and its horrific effects:

·      2.34 children out of 100,000 die from injuries relating to their abuse, with 80.8% of deaths occurring in children under four years old.

·      For every incident of child abuse or neglect that gets reported, it’s estimated that two others go unreported.

·      Physical abuse accounts for 17.8% of documented child abuse cases each year.

·      Abused children are more likely to abuse alcohol and become addicted to drugs, and one third will later abuse their own children.

·      Of all prison inmates, 84% were abused as children.

To find out more on child abuse and how YOU can help save lives and do your part in prevention, visit:

God Bless, and remember, the children are our future!!!! <3

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Team Roberta

Support Bryant's Cause to Cure Leukemia:

For those who do not know.. My mom was diagnosed with Leukemia (2) years ago and it has been a tough battle. I am asking all those who call me FRIEND to make a donation to advance research. EVERY PENNY COUNTS.. Thanks in advance.

Please join me in supporting Team Roberta and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) by making a donation. Every dollar we raise counts as one vote and the candidate who gets the most votes/raises the most money is named the local Man or Woman of the Year. Please forward this email to your friends and help Support Team Roberta.

Please visit my fundraising page. To make a pledge, please click here:

-Bryant R.

Are you #TeamRoberta?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Justice for Trayvon

Visit this link To find out more about his story and sign the petition to bring justice for this young man!

God Bless