Tuesday, July 10, 2012

AIDS Walk Washington 2012

Support #TeamSecOps in AIDS Walk Washington 2012

AIDS Walk Washington is a 5K fundraising walk and timed run benefiting and produced by Whitman-Walker Health, a nonprofit community-based health organization which provides dependable, high-quality, comprehensive and accessible health care to those infected with or affected by HIV/AIDS.

In a city where three percent of adults are known to have HIV and an additional three percent are infected but don't know it, AIDS Walk plays a vital role in raising funds to fight the epidemic.

By registering and raising funds, you are helping to keep your neighbors healthy and alive. You're also helping to prevent new infections.
1. Go to: http://www.kintera.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=1010031&lis=0&kntae1010031=6814B92D9A454CD7BAAF2CF912475E6D&team=5107554

2. Click "Join Our Team" to walk with us. or Click "General Team Donation" to donate towards the team goal. or Click one of the participating agents name to donate towards their goal. (All donated money will count towards the team goal)

Want to sleep in on October 27 or just can't be with us??? If you are not in the area, you can still be on the team! Follow the same instructions and select "Sleep Walker Registration" for $40 and you can support the effort from the comfort of your bed! Your commemorative AIDS Walk t-shirt will be mailed to you after the event.
Peace and Blessings