Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Justice for Trayvon

Visit this link To find out more about his story and sign the petition to bring justice for this young man!

God Bless

Thursday, March 15, 2012

St. Baldrick's Foundation

Are you interested in helping to fund children’s cancer research and cure-findings? The St. Baldrick's Foundation is a volunteer-driven charity committed to funding the most promising research to find cures for childhood cancers and give survivors long and healthy lives. The Foundation raises money for childhood cancer research primarily through head-shaving events. Volunteers, sponsored by family, friends and employers, shave their heads in solidarity with kids who typically lose their hair during cancer treatment. Events have taken place in all 50 US states and 28 countries. Since 2000, St. Baldrick's Foundation volunteers have organized nearly 4,200 head-shaving events and shaved over 190,500 heads, raising over $118 million for life-saving childhood cancer research.

The St. Baldrick’s Foundation became a non-profit organization in 2005 and makes grants to research organizations that meet stringent criteria and share the Foundation’s commitment to fiscal responsibility and emphasis on research. St. Baldrick’s research grants help fill crucial funding gaps at medical institutions where children are treated for cancer, ensuring the finest care for every child. Since 2005, St. Baldrick's has awarded over 100 Fellow and Scholar awards, to develop the childhood cancer research experts of tomorrow.
To learn more about St. Baldrick’s Foundation and how you can contribute (by internet, mail, phone, text, and even by tweeting) please visit:
You can also show support for the foundation by visiting its official Facebook-page and “liking”:

God Bless and Love One Another!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

KONY 2012

Kony 2012, named after the infamous leader of Christian terrorist group the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), is a film and campaign by humanitarian group Invisible Children that aims to bring Joseph Kony to light, "not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice." The film focuses heavily on the issue of child soldiers, with Kony’s LRA reportedly having up to 30,000 boys and girls who are used as soldiers and sex slaves.

Kony is alleged to have fathered over 200 children during his 26 years on the run from the Ugandan government. Invisible Children, an activist group that campaigns to end genocide and crimes against humanity, said the goal of Kony 2012  was to raise awareness about one of the world’s most brutal warlords in an effort to expedite his arrest.
Kony, who wants to implement a theocratic government in Uganda based on the Ten Commandments, was indicted by the International Criminal Court in 2006 for war crimes but has evaded capture. Viewers of the film have expressed shock and anger at the events taking place in Uganda and many have pledged to do what they can to help, including celebrities Rihanna, George Clooney and Ellen DeGeneres.
I’m asking you all to take just 30 minutes to watch this video, which highlights the terrors and disastrous political climate of Uganda. These children need our help! We need to end the war and help stop the innocent lives being taken!!!!
I’m not asking for donations, nor am I suggesting you donate to any charity regarding this manner (as controversy surrounds some of the charity groups), but am I asking that we all become aware of Uganda’s struggle for peace to end genocide. God Bless <3
Visit the Official Stop Kony 2012 site and pledge to help bring Kony to Justice:
Please visit the official Stop Kony Facebook Page and “Like” to show support:!/Kony2012Stop  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Mini-Drive for The American Red Cross

** Due to conflicts with the American Red Cross' PayPal access, we have forwarded the raised money for this charity to Ten Doves Charity in order to help with immediate relief for tornado victims and families. **

HUGE thanks to those who contributed, without you S.O.A. would not exist!!!

Hispanic College-Student Charities

Good Afternoon!!

In January, we raised $445.00 for the United Negro College Fund. As a group based on Men of Color, we must examine walks of education which provide a comprehensive set of programs forming a pipeline that supports students from pre-college to college to post-graduate success (for all students of color).
The Hispanic College Fund (a future SecOps Angels Charity Drive spotlight) is a national non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., with a mission to develop the next generation of Hispanic professionals. For 19 years, the Hispanic College Fund has provided educational, scholarship, and mentoring programs to students throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, establishing a career pipeline of talented and career-driven Hispanics.
The Hispanic College Fund has awarded millions of dollars, impacting thousands of students through high school to college to career. HCF has been recognized by USA Today as one of the nation’s top 25 charities and has twice received Charity Navigator’s top four-star rating for fiscal responsibility. In 2010, the College Board recognized HCF for program innovation. Please visit: to learn more!
A sister organization, The Hispanic Scholarship Fund, believes that the country prospers when all Americans have access to the opportunities a college education can afford.  As the nation’s leading Hispanic higher education fund, HSF works to address the barriers that keep many Latinos from earning a college degree.
In addition to scholarship opportunities for deserving Latino students, they offer a broad range of outreach and educational programming to help students and their families navigate through the rigors of college life. The HSF has several programs developed from its original foundation, collaborates with hundreds of colleges across America, and assists with college transitioning for Hispanic high school students.
Both these organizations are PHENOMENAL, and their philanthropic efforts have proven such. If you are interested in contributing to these charity and/or inquiring to learn more about it, please visit: One will be featured as a SecOps Angels Donation Drive Beneficiary in the near future, feel free to read up on them in the meantime!
These charities will be featured on the SecOps Charity spotlight on our new blog!
Be Blessed Gents

Sunday, March 4, 2012

American Red Cross for Tornado Relief (March 2012)

Good Evening Agents!!

We raised $410.00 for the Trevor Project!!!!!!!!!!

Huge thanks to those who donated, without you this would not have been possible, and also to those who wanted to donate but could not, your interest is ALWAYS appreciated. After PayPal’s fees were assessed, $394.49 was sent to the Trevor Project this afternoon. This charity drive supported the activism in preventing gay suicide, and I cannot express how proud and overjoyed I am. ^_^ I love you guys so much…

The American Diabetes Association will be the March Charity, but I’m postponing the start of this Charity Drive (until 9 March) in response to the recent tornado disasters in the Midwest/Southeast area. SecOps Angels is hosting a mini-drive for the AMERICAN RED CROSS to aid in tornado relief in the Ohio/Tennessee/Alabama area. The asking donation is always $5 per agent, To contribute, please visit:

Thank you for your interest and generosity, God Bless!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 2, 2012


Dear Family,

Due to the recent tornado disasters in the Ohio/Tennessee/Northern-Alabama area, I will close the SecOps Angels Charity Drive for The Trevor Project TONIGHT at 2359, and start up a mini-drive (possibly a week long) for the American Red Cross to aid in disaster relief sometime this weekend.

Thank you to all who contributed to the Trevor Project, and to all those who still wish to contribute before the drive closes, please visit our SecOps Angels ChipIn site here:

I will post more details about the mini-drive for the American Red Cross this weekend, thank you to all taking interest in our philanthropy group! <3

See more about the recent tornado disasters: